IELTS (International English Language Testing System) is one of the exams specially designed for non-native English speakers. So if you plan to study abroad, cracking IELTS with a good score is a stepping stone to pursuing your studies further.
Now, you may be attempting the exam for the very first time, or you may have appeared for the exam and could not score more than five bands. This blog is for the latter case. Read on to know how to prepare better this time. As an overseas education consultant in Ahmedabad, we want to take you through six tips that will help you improve your IELTS score within a month.
So, let’s get to it.
Thoroughly Understand the Assessment Criteria
Your examiner ranks you depending on specific assessment criteria. It would help if you spent extra time understanding what an examiner expects from a candidate. Once you figure this out, you can work on it, and it will also help you know your weak areas so that you can focus on them.
For instance, in the IELTS speaking section, you will be expected to express yourself without halts and flaws speaking. Here, the examiner will judge your speaking proficiency. Likewise, it would help if you understood the assessment criteria for every module. You can even take help from a consultancy for overseas education.
Focus on Grammar
Excellent grammar is crucial to make your message clear and understandable to the other person. Be it writing or speaking, usage of correct grammar is your way to improve your IELTS score. Focusing on grammar will not only help you speak fluently but will also help you in the writing section. Moreover, it will help you gain more confidence.
If you struggle to work on it alone, you can join IELTS classes. We provide IELTS classes in Ahmedabad, which will help you prepare better.
Enhance your Reading
Your reading should be equally fluent as your writing and speaking. You can practice reading daily from different sources like books, newspapers, whatever interests you. It will help you sharpen your reading skills in a limited time. It would help if you also focused on improving your vocabulary to impress the examiner. For that, you can read comprehension and books and Google up the meaning of words that are new to you.
Improve your Listening and Speaking Skills
Focusing on grammar, reading books, etc., will surely help you better your command of the language. However, you will also need to make explicit efforts to enhance your listening and speaking skills. There are many mobile apps available that will help you refine your listening and speaking skills in a short time. You can use them regularly and track your progress.
Rehash your Study plan
You may already have a study plan crafted before. However, there would be something wrong with it which is why it didn’t help you score well. It would help if you had a well-thought-out study plan that focuses on your weak areas more and less on the strong ones.
Also, it is essential to design a study plan based on your comfort and needs. After all, you want to stick to your plan, and this is possible only if you’ve considered your needs while making one. You don’t just want to go blindly; instead, head in a known direction.
Take Guidance from IELTS Experts
As a student visa consultant in Ahmedabad, we can’t stress enough the benefits of joining a consultancy firm to prepare for the exam. Sure there is a lot of information and material available online; however, sometimes, it is not enough. Especially, when you have limited time on your hands, you need a guided direction to prepare well. Hence joining an IELTS coaching can be a wise call for your preparation.
Plus, once you join a consultancy firm, they will guide you throughout the process, not just exam preparation. They will be there with you, from preparing for the exam to the visa approval process.
Wrapping Up
Hopefully, the tips mentioned in the blog will help you prepare better for the exam. However, feel free to reach out to us if you get stuck somewhere. We provide IELTS coaching in Ahmedabad. So whether you want to prepare for it to appear for the very first time or want to score better, we can help you take a step toward your dreams!